Top 5 Ways to Prepare for an Interview

by Jaclyn Aubin

Getting ready for an interview? Not sure what to do? You are not alone. Most job seekers do not know what to do to prepare for an interview. This can be due to not having to search for work in a long time or they never were taught the basics. This could be due to anxiety and nerves taking over and paralyzing people when it comes to prepping. Job interviews can be really scary – you are putting yourself out there to possibly be rejected. That’s never a fun feeling.

To help ease these frightening feelings, here are five tips and tricks that will help you feel as prepared and confident as possible for your next interview:

1.  Research the Company

  • Researching the organization can help in so many ways. Click around on the company’s website and see what you can find out. Intelligently speaking about what the company provides for services will make you seem like you truly care about that company and what they produce. If you can speak to the organization’s mission and relate it to you and your passions is a winning point in any hiring manager’s book. If you can find who you are interviewing with, having social media or LinkedIn can help you possibly find out if you and your interviewer share anything in common. Finding this common ground will make for easy conversation and calm your nerves with those you are interviewing with. 

2.  Know the Job Description & Relate your Experiences

  • If you are applying for a job, I would hope you would know what you are applying to. On top of this, really knowing that job description and knowing exactly what you can do and what you can bring to the table is amazing. Take each job duty and jot notes about how you have (or haven’t) done that specific task. If you haven’t done things on this list, put a positive twist on not having experience and how easily you could learn it or how other skills you have could relate.

3.  Expect the Usual Questions

  • “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” “Why should you get this job?” “What makes you a good fit here?” Blah. Blah. Blah. Did you get the chills reading these? If so, you are one of many job seekers who hate these questions with a burning passion. Here is the catch: interviewers ask these questions to see how much you have prepared for the interview. If you can expect these types of questions to be asked, then why wouldn’t you prepare for it? Write out your strengths and weaknesses. For your weaknesses, make sure you always put on a positive spin as to how you are working on those things and bettering yourself. “Why should you get this job?” or “Tell me about yourself” are round-about ways to sing them your elevator pitch. You don’t need to give your life story, but definitely talk about positions you had that brought you to that interview in a 30 second or less speech. Research other typical interview questions that can be expected. These questions are not as spooky as you think if you are ready or them! 

4.  Come up with your own Questions

  • Picture this: it’s the end of the interview. You are feeling the weight come off your shoulders and you are ready to pat yourself on the back because you got through the last hour. Suddenly you are brought back to Earth as you hear “Do you have any questions for us?”. Your stomach drops and your throat closes (no? just me?). If you don’t have any questions for the interviewer, you feel empty, you feel insecure and honestly, the interviewer will not be very impressed. Coming up with questions shows the hiring manager that you care, that you prepared, and you genuinely want to know more about them, the job and the organization. Questions can be used to make more sense of the job description and what you would be doing in that role day to day. When you researched the company, addressing any questions you had is a great idea so you understand more. Asking about the company culture will help you imagine yourself there (or not!). These questions are not just to impress the hiring manager, the answers to these questions are for your sake as well. Remember, interviews are not only to help the organization see if you would be a good fit, but this is also an interview on your side as well. (Quick tip: the first question I always ask to start is “Did I answer all of your questions accurately?”. I’ve been offered every job where I asked this. Humble brag!)

5.  Be Yourself & Project Confidence

  • Ah the cliché “be yourself” tip. In this instance, you have to take this tip to heart. The people you work with will eventually get to know you and you want to make sure you are being your true self. When speaking in an interview, of course speak professionally, but do not falsify any anecdote or story you have. Do not pretend you are someone you are not or pretend you have done things you have not. This will only hurt you later. Go into the interviewing knowing who you are and why you deserve this role. Envision yourself already being in this role and project that confidence. Before the interview, do something that makes you feel good and put those good ~vibes~ out into the world. Hiring managers can tell when you are unsure of yourself. So it’s pretty simple: be sure of yourself. 

Of course, this list can go on and on. Dressing appropriately and speaking professionally should be no brainers. Always try to bring a notebook and take notes during an interview so you can show your interest and maybe write something down that will help you write personal thank you notes later to all interviewing you. Bring extra resumes if you can. But following through on the above mentioned techniques will truly make you feel like you not only finished the interview, but you’ll feel that you conquered it.

Good luck and go forth job seekers!

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